LIDIA IANNACONE, Certified Professional Business & EQ Coach
emotions drive people, people drive performance
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is two times more reliable than QI to predict top performances and identify top leaders… and it is coachable.
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Cool infographic explaining how we can coach the person, and not the problem, via simple "brain hacks" at three different levels (frame, contextual field, stories).
La reazione "#freeze- #flight or #fight" è ciò che più mi ricorda quanto, nonostante ci siamo evoluti, qualcosa ci leghi ancora indissolubilmente alle nostre origini #ancestrali. A volte, senza neanche saperlo, siamo vittime di questi 3 comportamenti. Altre siamo i "carnefici" capaci, non volendo, di creare ambienti poco produttivi nei quali chiunque vorrebbe scappare, sparire nel nulla o attaccare e puntare il dito. Vediamo in cosa consiste il "freeze-flight or fight" con alcuni esempi e come allenarci per non esserne schiavi.
Beliefs are beliefs and they can be false: if we think something about ourselves, it doesn’t mean it’s true! Some beliefs lead to passive attitude, leading people to fail (self-fulfilling prophecy). Emotions and actions do not come directly from adversities, but they are triggered by what we believe about the situations. So, let’s discuss automatic beliefs: listen to what you tell yourself every time you feel sad, anxious or angry! If your beliefs are true, focus on how you can change the situation so that it does not become a disaster. Generally speaking, negative beliefs are distortions that you should change. Optimistic people think that failures are not necessarily caused by them, but rather by circumstances. This helps them to not lose hope and energy, to be resilient and to ultimately hold higher probability to succeed.
© 2022 by Lidia Iannacone