Someone said we are the change we seek for… everything starts from us! Get ready to assess your level of EQ, dive deep into specific emotional competences, explore your brain style and know more about your talents! Individual sessions offer the opportunity to have a dedicated and customizable path. We can co-create the best offer that meet your needs, and ensures dedicated coaching.
As a certified Six Seconds EQ Assessor, I leverage the following key Six Seconds tools:
Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence (SEI) Development Report (DR). This provides a comprehensive feedback on your current emotional intelligence and how to develop it. SEI DR delivers profound insights and guidance to apply EQ to improve yourself. It includes insights on EQ in the workplace, as well outside of work. The SEI Development Report is comprehensive. It provides in-depth feedback, practical strategies, and becomes an ally for people to see their current EQ and how they can use it to improve their lives. This tool can be leveraged to start a coaching path.
SEI Leadership Report (LR). This delivers clear feedback and a path to use EQ to improve the people-side of leadership. Used worldwide from Amazon to Qatar Airways, SEI LR is the best-in-class tool to bring the value of EQ to organizations. It equips you to answer essential questions: What does it look like to implement emotional intelligence as a leader? Where are you now? What’s next for you to leverage your EQ to improve people-leadership? SEI LR is the preeminent tool for in-depth development programs and coaching programs. While it can be understood quickly, the LR is substantive enough for ongoing growth and coaching. The SEI Leadership Report is the ideal blend of simplicity, clarity, and practicality.

SEI Neural Network Report. SEI LR and DR you maximize your self-awareness, and support you defining your action plan to enhance your emotional competences and performance. With a slighlty different approach, the Neural Network Report is powered by the most advanced analytics of any EQ tool on the market to provide a clear, practical action plan. It test thousands of scenarios and maps the best personalized solution based on your profile. The report will provide one page for each of the 4 performance areas (quality of life, wellbeing, relationships, effectiveness) to deliver objective and clear guidance on how to use EQ to reach your goals.
SEI 360 Report. This equips you to answer essential questions: How is your emotional intelligence impacting others? How does your self-assessment compare with others’ assessments of you? And finally, how can you leverage your EQ to have a more positive impact on those around you? The SEI 360 it’s brief but substantive, providing clear, valuable feedback in the framework of the powerful Six Seconds Model. Hard-hitting enough to win results-oriented leaders, yet nuanced and engaging, the SEI 360 is a full-featured multi-rater assessment, combining a statistically solid model with a practical feedback mechanism.
Brain Suite. The Brain Profiler suite provide snapshots of your brain’s styles and talents to effectively use emotional and cognitive data. While many emotional intelligence tests and psychological profiles focus on behavior, these tools look at the drivers coming from your brain’s science. Brain Style is about capability. Unlike many “style inventories,” the Brain Brief is distilled from a full-power psychometric assessment. Participants take the SEI and responses are analyzed using a special algorithm. The profiles bring a decade of research into an easy-to-use single page profile with profound value for learning, coaching, performance management, selection, and growth. The Brain Profiler suite of tools includes 3 individual reports and one group snapshot. Check out the different profiles and find the one that meets your needs (see more also in the Improve The Team section of the website):
- Brain Brief Profile. Starting from neuroscience and 15 years of research on emotional intelligence, this one-page report provides a simple, practical summary of a person’s style for using emotional intelligence — how they are integrating thinking & feeling to make good decisions to drive positive results. The BBP is highly effective for development, learning, coaching, mentoring, team development and for managers to use to build communication with their people.
- Brain Talents Profile. How can you best use your brain’s capabilities? Based on robust research evaluating thousands of leaders today, Six Seconds has identified the 18 essential talents to create the future. Like a smartphone app, these “Brain Apps” are tools to build effectiveness. Which “apps” do you want to run today? The BTP is ideal for career and performance coaching, team forming, and a wide range of training & development. What are the top talents in your team? Are you using them?
- Brain Discovery Profile. This tool is comparable to the Brain Talent, limiting the top talents to three, but also reveleaing the bottom three. This tool is great to increase awareness on how to reach a goal, by leveraging on strengths and also focusing on how to avoid derailing factors.